Here at Aura Casting, we know first hand how many people it takes to create a production. You may find yourself wondering what are all the jobs on a video shoot set?

Well never fear, in out series, “What Does a … Do?” We’re breaking down all the different roles needed for on a set. 

A role that sometimes can get overlooked in a stand in. A stand in is a person who substitutes for an actor when the actor cannot be present. Their main role is to help with facilitating technical and logistical aspects of a scene. They ensure that everything will be perfectly matched for the actor to ‘stand in’ where they were and took over from them without missing a beat. 

Stand ins also assist with helping the lighting, camera and art department team by providing a sample for the other teams to make accurate adjustments too. 

Stand ins also save time so an actor can be filming a scene at a different location or can be preparing for a scene with the director. They are also crucial to the rehearsal and blocking process by helping the director visualize and plan their movements for a scene.

Overall stand ins are a crucial part of a production that help throughout several departments. 

Written by Lauren Ulveling 


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