Annie Spiegelman Appreciation Day!
Many of you know the one and only Annie Spiegelman, or as Aura Casting likes to call her, “The great Annie!”
Annie has been an endless supporter of Aura Casting from the very beginning. She is a loyal friend, a lover of community, a natural connector of people, a gifted industry professional, and a dedicated political activist. She has given so much to our NorCal film community, and only continues to give…
We had the honor of celebrating her on Saturday, May 13th at McNears Beach in San Rafael. Over 60 of her close friends, family and work colleagues came out for the “big surprise.” Yes, this was in the works for over a year, so the reveal was pretty incredible!
Big shout outs to core organizers: Brahna Stone, Anita Gail Jones, Jack Buzbuzian, Michele Dennis, Lisa Tesone, Michael Merryweather, Suzanne Baird, and everyone else who pitched in to create the beautiful day… and my goodness, the weather could not have been more gorgeous, sunny, and warm!
Shout out to Dunja Kacic-Alesic for the impressive logo!
This surprise could not have worked out better and we are so thrilled to have Annie in our lives. Forever, May 13th will be dubbed as Annie Spiegelman Appreciation Day!
(If you are reading this, know Annie, and were not invited to the party, please FORGIVE US - we tried our very best to include everyone while keeping it under wraps..not an easy task.…)