A Chat about Filmmaking with Linda Mai Green
Photo Credit: Ben Westerman Portrait Photography
Here at Aura Casting, we highlight working artists every Friday as a part of our interview series, AuraGram Live. We were thrilled to have filmmaker Linda Mai Green on today to share her insights and advice with our online community. We spoke with Linda about her creative process, her journey as a director and how she sources inspiration along the way. Be sure to check out her latest piece, Armatura - It is absolutely incredible!
Watch the full interview here!
How Aura helps filmmakers:
Our goal is to take one large chunk of pre-production work off of your plate - Casting! While you’re creating shot lists, location scouting and finalizing the script, we take your vision and run with it to find you top quality talent on your timeline. We typically cast everything virtually through self tapes and Zoom - unless you prefer to meet in the room for callbacks. We love to prioritize artistic endeavors, so please reach out if you have a project where we can support you.